Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The War of Red Washout

Achieving a perfect hue of red is simple and fun. Keeping the red in your hair instead of down your drain is not so easy. Like many other women, you may be wondering why red washes out so much quicker than other colors. The answer isn’t as difficult as one would think. It’s all about the chemistry makeup of the haircolor. Now, I am by no means an expert in this area so explaining it in technical terms is really beyond me. What I do know is that haircolor has to make its way inside the hair’s cuticle and adhere to the cortex. The smaller the particles, the more color gets into the cortex and the longer the color will last. The problem with reds is that the particles are too large to get all the way in the cortex, resulting in much quicker washout. But don’t let the washout war get you down! If you love reds, there are ways to encourage longer coverage and vibrancy. The combination of a knowledgeable stylist, proper treatments, and a good at home regimen will keep your reds looking fabulous in between touch-ups!

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